Writing a homepage is often a painful experience.
It’s hard to know where to start, what to include, what not to include and how to tell a story that will appeal to your prospects.
It’s even more difficult than a landing page, at least in that situation you can target a specific segment, test different options and focus on one particular offer. But with a homepage, you have none of that.
You need to appeal to prospects at different stages who are looking for different solutions and maybe coming completely fresh to you.
It’s so easy to try and cram everything in and end up with a mess or cut everything out leaving a hollow shell with terrible lead generating properties.
It’s no wonder so many people just use whatever template their WordPress theme give them.
Unfortunately, your theme’s template isn’t the answer
But those theme templates focus on the design, not converting leads. They are usually from designers who aren’t copywriters. Their purpose isn’t to convince but to look good.
That’s better than looking bad but you know what’s even better?
Effective copy.
Wouldn’t it be great to get a template that you could start using on your website today that would not only instantly remove the problem of the blank page, but also be based on proven conversion copy practices?
Wouldn’t it be great to not have to wonder if you should include this section or that but to know that you have what you need to convince someone to take action?
And wouldn’t it be great to know the reasons behind each part so you can adapt that template later on to fit your business?
Introducing the instant small business owner website homepage.
Sign up today and get a pdf template that you can implement in your website and an ebook guide covering what to include in each step of your homepage.
You’ll never have to wonder about what to include on your homepage again.